Our adult Bible study on Sunday mornings at Northeast involves much more than just a Sunday school program for grown-ups. It's an opportunity to hear God speak to us through his love letter to humanity, his owner's manual for the human heart, and his instruction guide for making life make sense.

It was for these reasons and more that the early Christians in Berea studied the scriptures diligently to compare, verify, and make sense of new information they were receiving, using the true and timeless word of God. It's the reason that Paul told Timothy to study the scriptures - to be able to correctly understand and use the help that the Bible offers. We rely on the Bible for help in training, correcting, and equipping us for our purpose.

It is for these same reasons we meet together on Sunday mornings to rediscover his wisdom, guidance, and answers to the toughest questions and issues of our day through the study of God's word.

Current Classes

Sackcloth and Sovereignty
Sackcloth and Sovereignty: Exploring the Trials of Job


Room Location: Room A

Teacher: Scott Johnson

Why is this happening? That question has been asked countless times and is typically asked with a heavy heart. How do we find balance between the problem of suffering and the sovereignty of God? In this class, we will dig through the book of Job as he wrestles with those very questions so that we can learn how to withstand difficult times and how we can better minister to those who are face-to-face with suffering.

Let's Go!


Room Location: Room B

Teacher: Shawn Wasilewsky

How do we answer Jesus' call to go and make disciples? In this class, we'll take a look at the gospel accounts and what they reveal about the underlying principles of Jesus' ministry, including the methods that determined his actions in any given situation.

Somewhere I Belong
Somewhere I Belong: Restoring the Evangelized


Room Location: Room C

Teacher: Rick Moore

We discover a photo in an outdated church directory. An old mailing list uncovers a nearly forgotten name. "I wonder what happened to so-and-so?" Ordinary life event account for most absences, but we are perplexed regarding those who never said "goodbye." Perhaps some have fallen away from the faith.

How might we prevent such an outcome, and if it unfolds, how do we go about restoring the evangelized? In this class, we will look to the Scriptures to inspire and to better equip us to restore those who have fallen away (Galatians 6:1). To complement our study, we will incorporate some applied techniques such as case studies, interviews, and role-playing.

Young Adult Class


Room Location: Room E

Teacher: varies

The young adult group at Northeast is growing and active! Besides our regular Sunday morning Bible class, we frequently gather for service and fellowship events, with an emphasis on growing deeper in the faith and in supportive and encouraging relationships with each other. We'd love for you to join us!