Our adult Bible study on Sunday mornings at Northeast involves much more than just a Sunday school program for grown-ups. It's an opportunity to hear God speak to us through his love letter to humanity, his owner's manual for the human heart, and his instruction guide for making life make sense.

It was for these reasons and more that the early Christians in Berea studied the scriptures diligently to compare, verify, and make sense of new information they were receiving, using the true and timeless word of God. It's the reason that Paul told Timothy to study the scriptures - to be able to correctly understand and use the help that the Bible offers. We rely on the Bible for help in training, correcting, and equipping us for our purpose.

It is for these same reasons we meet together on Sunday mornings to rediscover his wisdom, guidance, and answers to the toughest questions and issues of our day through the study of God's word.

Current Classes

The Apocalypse
The Apocalypse: Deciphering the Message of Revelation


Room Location: Room C

Teachers: Chris Meece & Grady Smith

Ask someone if they're interested in studying the book of Revelation and you're just as likely to get serious pushback or blank stares as you are an eager thumbs up. Strange symbols. Cataclysmic plagues. Mysterious beasts. What's the point? This culminating book of God's written revelation is so much more than fuel for speculative (and sometimes harmful) theories about "end times." The main themes of Revelation are understandable and life-changing! Join us to find out why.

Heart of a Godly Man


Room Location: Room B

Teacher: Gene Payne

Do you have a healthy heart? Any physician will tell you that to live a healthy life, you must take care of your heart. That includes both exercise and a diet low in the "bad stuff" and high in the "good stuff." You must be disciplined. Discipline is at the root of a healthy spiritual heart as well. For the man who desires a life of spiritual vitality, discipline is the daily habit that transforms mere desire into doing and turns good intentions into contagious Bible reading, deepening prayer, and an irresistible urge to follow Jesus. Discipline is not a stumbling block, but a springboard to spiritual growth.

Twelve Ordinary Men


Room Location: Room A

Teacher: Chadd St. Clair

Jesus chose twelve ordinary men to become his ambassadors. He didn't make the obvious choices, but rather chose ordinary and flawed men to represent him. We see ourselves in these men, and we see what God can do when he chooses those who are ordinary today to become extraordinary in his kingdom.

Young Adult Class


Room Location: Room E

Teacher: varies

The young adult group at Northeast is growing and active! Besides our regular Sunday morning Bible class, we frequently gather for service and fellowship events, with an emphasis on growing deeper in the faith and in supportive and encouraging relationships with each other. We'd love for you to join us!