
Rock Solid (part 3)

Rock Solid (part 3) - We live in changing and uncertain times, but we can depend upon our God, who is the unchanging Rock. We can build our lives upon him, and his Son, Jesus Christ, who will always be "rock solid!"

Length: 40:18
Rock Solid (part 2)

Rock Solid (part 2) - We live in changing and uncertain times, but we can depend upon our God, who is the unchanging Rock. We can build our lives upon him, and his Son, Jesus Christ, who will always be "rock solid!"

Length: 50:03
Rock Solid (part 1)

Rock Solid (part 1) - We live in changing and uncertain times, but we can depend upon our God, who is the unchanging Rock. We can build our lives upon him, and his Son, Jesus Christ, who will always be "rock solid!"

Length: 49:09
Cross Roads (part 4)

Jesus surprised two discouraged disciples walking on the road to Emmaus, and he can bring unexpected delight into your life as well!

Length: 56:42
Cross Roads (part 3)

Jesus died between two criminals who shared the same death sentence. Yet one of them, so totally unworthy of redemption, found it. If the "thief on the cross" could discover hope and forgiveness, you can too.

Length: 38:37
Cross Roads (part 2)

Judas Iscariot personally witnessed Jesus' ministry, but Jesus was not the kind of king that he wanted, and Judas ended his own life filled with guilt. Thank God, we don't have to make the same tragic mistake!

Length: 38:52
Cross Roads (part 1)

Jesus was a threat to the religious establishment and the status quo, and most of the cost of following Jesus was too great. Is following Jesus worth the risk of losing what you consider untouchable?

Length: 36:28
Look to God for Strength

Even during these unusual times that call for "social distancing" we can take joy in a God who desires to draws near. Look to God for your strength, and remember His peace, confidence and inseparable love.

Length: 9:24
Remember the Sabbath

People are feeling the pressure of a fast-paced world with little room for rest or a sacred pause. Let's find out together how hitting the pause button is just as important as hitting the play button!

Length: 30:46