
Vision Sunday

As Northeast continues to thrive, the elders will look at the year ahead and the work to be done in His name! The elders discuss our next steps and the critical parts everyone has in His plan.

Length: 37:58
Onward and Upward!

A Life That Soars (part 1) - A current TV ad campaign says, "Just okay is not okay." That's SO true when it comes to the transformative life God longs for us to experience in Jesus!

Length: 29:25
Praying For You

Prayer Power (part 5) - The Bible calls upon us to "pray continually." As disciples of Jesus, we believe our prayers really do make a difference. Let's dig deeper in the well that leads to greater peace, power, and wisdom!

Length: 17:27
One on One

Prayer Power (part 4) - The Bible calls upon us to "pray continually." As disciples of Jesus, we believe our prayers really do make a difference. Let's dig deeper in the well that leads to greater peace, power, and wisdom!

Length: 34:24
Let the Children Come to Me

Prayer Power (part 3) - The Bible calls upon us to "pray continually." As disciples of Jesus, we believe our prayers really do make a difference. Let's dig deeper in the well that leads to greater peace, power, and wisdom!

Length: 64:34
Quiet Movement of God

Follow the quiet movement of God in the life of Ester.

Length: 35:57
Prayer & Paradox

Prayer Power (part 2) - The Bible calls upon us to "pray continually." As disciples of Jesus, we believe our prayers really do make a difference. Let's dig deeper in the well that leads to greater peace, power, and wisdom!

Length: 33:05
Teach Us To Pray

Prayer Power (part 1) - The Bible calls upon us to "pray continually." As disciples of Jesus, we believe our prayers really do make a difference. Let's dig deeper in the well that leads to greater peace, power, and wisdom!

Length: 32:43
Mission Sunday

Vitaly will speak during our worship service about the work being done at the Ukrainian Education Center (UEC). Noah will share thought from the recent Haiti mission trip.

Length: 33:16